About TYC
The Thomas Young Centre (TYC) is a dynamic and interdisciplinary alliance of London researchers operating at the forefront of science to address the challenges of society and industry through the theory and simulation of materials and molecules, or materials and molecular modelling.
We provide a framework through which we support current and future generations of researchers, fostering collaborations within our membership, with theoreticians and experimentalists outside of London, and with industry and government.
The TYC is made up of around 100 research groups from four London Colleges: Imperial College London, King’s College London, QMUL (Queen Mary University London) and UCL (University College London). The academic departments involved include Physics, Materials, Chemistry, Earth sciences, Biology, and several branches of engineering.
Upcoming events
TYC AI/ML Interest Group Seminar: advances in machine learning for electrochemical systems
18 February @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pmJörg Behler, Ruhr University Bochum & Clotilde Cucinotta, Imperial College London
TYC Alumni Pathway Panel
26 February @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pmFormer TYC PhD and PDRA members will meet to form a panel to present their career trajectories, focusing on career paths and postdoc vs. industry. We will follow the event with a drinks social in the Nyholm Room.
TYC Highlight Seminar: Dispersion-corrected density-functional theory, molecular crystals and interfaces of layered materials – Erin Johnson, Dalhousie University
4 March @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pmRegistration is free but required.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
Here at the Thomas Young Centre, we strive for equality and diversity in all that we do, while remaining aware of the challenges posed in equalising the recognised representation-imbalance of minority groups throughout the scientific community.