Equality, diversity and inclusion

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Here at the Thomas Young Centre, we strive for equality and diversity in all that we do, while remaining aware of the challenges posed in equalising the recognised representation-imbalance of minority groups throughout the scientific community.

The Thomas Young Centre’s 15-year long history as a collaborative, grass-roots organisation where all members are encouraged to contribute their knowledge and expertise to the materials and molecular modelling community already stands us in good stead to make significant progress in equality, diversity, and inclusion. We are very proud that our purpose has always been to bring all our members together to collaborate, to undertake and share their ground-breaking research in the theory and simulation of materials and molecules.

EDI Governance at the TYC

The Thomas Young Centre is an interdisciplinary alliance of London-based researchers at four participating universities: Imperial College London, King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London, and University College London. As a collective, we work cohesively to develop our strategy in line with the governance of all the partners. Here we include links to the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion policies of the partner institutions.

Women at the TYC

Meet some of our TYC female members

Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC)

The Thomas Young Centre and the Materials & Molecular Modelling Hub are Chapters of WHPC.