Junior Research Fellowship Scheme

The Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) scheme welcomes applications from all PhD students and young post-docs to provide partial financial support for collaborative research visits. We support both visits of TYC researchers to groups elsewhere, and visits of researchers based elsewhere to TYC groups and visits can range from a week up to a month.  In exceptional circumstances, and where budget allows, longer visits may be considered.

If you are interested in applying to the JRF Scheme then the first thing to do is to contact a TYC Group leader to agree a potential project for your visit.

For a list of TYC group leaders, and potential supervisors, please visit the People pages.


This scheme is primarily aimed at PhD students but applications will also be considered from young post-docs. Applicants will either be supervised by a TYC Group Leader or will have agreed a collaborative visit to a TYC Group Leader. 


Applications are welcome from all and we would particularly encourage projects which benefit TYC by providing high quality research and reciprocal learning opportunities. 

Priority will be given to those who have not received an award before.

Level of award

Funding is based on the duration and location of your visit. Typically awards are £500-1000 pro rata for a month’s visit, depending on availability of funds, providing a partial financial contribution towards travel, subsistence and accommodation. In exceptional circumstances, further travel expenses, up to the value of £500, may be available for those applicants who have to travel outside of Europe.

Application process

In the case of outgoing visits, applications for a TYC-JRF must be agreed beforehand with the candidate’s own TYC research group leader and with the leader of the host research group. In the case of incoming visits, applications must be agreed beforehand with a leader of a TYC research group hosting the visit and with the candidate’s own supervisor, whom the candidate should ask to provide a recommendation to accompany the application.

Applications must consist of a completed application form (see below), the applicant’s C.V. and, if the applicant is an incoming visitor, a reference from the applicant’s supervisor.

Once completed, the TYC group leader should then submit the application to the TYC Administrator who will circulate this to the Management Board for a decision to be made. A decision will normally be made and the applicant notified within two weeks of submission.


Visitors are expected to present their work at a TYC seminar, or other event, and to discuss their work with TYC members. 

All successful applicants must complete a short and simple report outlining the outcomes of their visit once it has finished.  Testimonials within this report may be used for any future promotional or marketing materials.


There is no deadline for applications and they are encouraged at all times of year. 


If successful, grant money will be paid directly to the applicant as either one whole payment or, for longer visits, a number of regular smaller payments. 


“The TYC-JRF scheme provides an excellent opportunity to work with top scientists tackling the most cutting-edge research in their fields. The highly conducive and convenient working environment, opportunities for engagement with individuals with similar research interests, and the financial assistance provided, makes doing research in London an enjoyable and stress-free experience.”

Benjamin Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison – visited the Department of Chemical Engineering, UCL for seven weeks.

“All the people involved in the TYC-JRF were always attentive and helpful during the entire process, from application, to arrival in London and during my stay. You can really focus on doing research and during the three weeks of my stay we obtained publishable results. I have not only been able to work with and learn from my TYC supervisor but I have also met other researchers and PhD students with whom I have shared research experiences. I also was able to present results from the research I have done as a part of my PhD to the local community. The TYC-JRF is definitely crucial and it not only causes great impact in visitors (me) but also in the research within the TYC groups. I recommend this experience to anyone out there.”

Andrés Henao, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona – visited the Department of Physics, King’s College London for three weeks.

“I am very glad to be a recipient of a TYC Junior Research Fellowship. It has been a very good opportunity to do a cutting-edge research with well-known scientists. I recommend all PhD students and Postdocs to apply for a TYC-JRF.” 

Dima Bolmatov, QMUL. 2 week visit to Cornell University, USA.

“I really enjoyed my sabbatical visit at the Imperial College. I found here the perfect conditions for study, learn, teach, debate with students and colleagues, as well as a warm atmosphere and both the practical and technical stuff perfectly arranged so that I could work with no difficulties.” 

Dr. Silvia Casassa, University of Turin. One month visit to Imperial College. 


For further details of the scheme, please contact the TYC Administrator, by email on tyc-administrator@ucl.ac.uk or by calling +44(0)20 7679 7306.