
PhD projects

PhD Projects are available across all our four institutions as well as with our affiliated universities.

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Job opportunities available in the TYC and others jobs associated with the Thomas Young Centre are listed here.

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Sabbatical visits

The Thomas Young Centre welcomes proposals from TYC members for financial support for high profile visitors to the Centre for either collaborative research visits and/or to contribute to the TYC events programme.

For further details and to apply

Early Career Award

The Thomas Young Centre (TYC) London invites applications for the TYC Early Career Award. The award, established in 2022 will be given to an early career researcher in recognition of their original published research in the theory and/or simulation of materials or (bio)molecules.

For further details of how to apply

Junior Research Fellowship Scheme

The Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) scheme is aimed at PhD students and early career post-doctoral researchers to make a collaborative research visit for up to a one month to another research institution.

For further details and to apply

Journal Club

TYC Journal Club is organised by PhD students and postdocs from University College London, Imperial College London, King’s College London, and Queen Mary University of London. Students and postdocs can take turns to choose their own recent paper to present, or to nominate an interesting paper they have come across recently for discussion.

For further details click here