Join the Thomas Young Centre

The Thomas Young Centre (TYC) is a highly intercollegiate, interdisciplinary and inclusive organisation that welcomes new members with an active interest in materials modelling from across London. 

The TYC is open to graduate students, post-docs, permanent staff and long-term visitors in one of the participating organisations and is free to join.

General Membership and Journal Club sign-up

To join and be kept up-to-date with our busy events programme, training opportunities, job vacancies and other news, subscribe to our newsletter.

TYC Interest Group affiliation

TYC Interest Groups are research topic-based groups, created to foster thematic networks for the wide range of interests among the 100+ research groups in the TYC.  The inception of Interest Groups at the TYC has allowed for a more structured organisation of our events programme, offering a greater balance topics, increased inclusivity, and increased attendance.

Please take 2 minutes of your time to complete the form, so that we can keep you informed of events which relate specifically to your area of research.

Principal Investigator (PI) Membership

To enable to the TYC to continue to flourish, full PI membership to the Centre now requires each individual to read and agree to our PI Membership Statement.

This statement outlines the benefits and commitments to membership of the TYC and a small degree of individual commitments to the centre is expected.

Please note that the TYC is not seeking to be too prescriptive in listing obligations and benefits, however, the “PI membership” idea seeks a practical route to ensure those who benefit most are roughly those who contribute most.

In order to join the TYC, please email TYC Administrator, stating that you have read and agreed the PI Membership Statement, attach a high resolution portrait photo of yourself, and complete the following short form:

Once this information has been received, your profile will be added to the our People section on the TYC website and your name added to our mailing list.

Now that you are a member…

All members are encouraged to become actively involved in the running and organisation of the centre.  If there are any speakers you would like to see, projects you are interested in starting, events you would like to run or suggestions you would like to make, we would love to hear from you.

Please email with any suggestions or feedback.