Environment and sustainability

The science of the effects and impacts of climate change are at the top of government agendas around the world, and whole new industries are emerging in response to the challenges we face. Conditions set by the regulatory agencies are governing ever more stringently the pathways of industrial innovation. The theory and simulation of materials is an indispensable tool for both fundamental understanding and technological development.

Our case studies give examples of TYC projects in environment and sustainability supported by government agencies or by industry.

Examples of materials modelling being undertaken by our research groups in this area include:

  • Cloud formation and the nucleation of water nanoclusters
  • Atmospheric chemistry on the surfaces of ice particles
  • Circulation and trapping of pollutants in ground water
  • Chemistry and mechanics of clays
  • Microbial metabolism in biogeochemistry
  • Reducing CO and NOx emissions with improved catalytic converters for road transport
  • New materials for more sensitive and selective environmental sensors
  • Improved processes for producing environment-friendly refrigerants
  • Photochromic glass for energy-efficient windows
  • Saving energy by improved aluminium recovery