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TYC Recently Appointed Academic Talks: Carla de Tomas, Ivan Palaia, and Rafael Tapia-Rojo – King’s College London

10 April 2025 @ 3:00 pm 6:00 pm

To welcome new PIs to the TYC, and to introduce them and their research to existing members, the Thomas Young Centre runs a continuous programme of Recently Recruited events.

This session introduces Carla de Tomas, Ivan Palaia, and Rafael Tapia-Rojo from King’s College London to the TYC.

Carla de Tomas, King’s
Carbon materials, particularly on their structure-property relationships, with applications in energy storage and gas separation

Ivan Palaia, King’s
Out-of-equilibrium self-assembly, focusing on cell membrane deformation, cytoskeleton dynamics, and protein and colloid assembly, statistical mechanics of electrolytic solutions.

Rafael Tapia-Rojo, King’s
Mechanisms of protein folding under force, particularly of force-sensing proteins such as talin & nanomechanics.

Organised by:

Jan Tomczak


K-1.56 King’s building

King's College London, Strand Campus, Strand
London, WC2R 2LS
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