Women at the TYC
We are continually striving to further increase our diversity. One of our goals is to increase exposure to the incredibly talented and inspiring scientists working within our institute, by highlighting female TYC members in a series of insightful written portraits. Find out about their ground-breaking research, the people who influenced them and their career highlights. Get ready to be inspired.
Dr Clotilde Cucinotta

Clotilde is a founder and leader of the ICL Electrochemistry Network, which connects the large electrochemistry research community across ICL, and part of the steering committee of the Thomas Young Centre, which coordinates across London the activities of more than 100 theoretical research groups.
Dr Kim Jelfs

Kim Jelfs has worked at Imperial College London since 2013 where she holds a Royal Society University Research Fellowship.
Professor Carla Molteni

Carla Molteni is a Professor of Physics at King’s College London and co-Director of the Thomas Young Centre as representative of King’s College London.
Professor Catherine O’Sullivan

Catherine came to Imperial College in 2004. She is based in the Geotechnics Section of the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and plays an active role at the TYC and MMM Hub.
Dr Monica Pozzo

Monica coordinates the TYC@UCL mentoring scheme for female researchers, which she designed and launched in early 2021.
Professor Sally (Sarah) Price FRS

During her career at UCL Sally has seen significant increases in the proportion of female scientists, and even greater changes in the role of theory and computational modelling within science.
Professor Lidunka Vocadlo

Lidunka is Professor of Mineral Physics in the Earth Sciences department at UCL, where she has carried out her research for many years.