Diego López Barreiro
University College London
Department: Chemical Engineering
Institution: University College London
Email: d.lopezbarreiro@ucl.ac.uk

Research summary
We use biopolymers to develop functional materials, alone or in combination with additives like (i) microorganisms that synthesise functional molecules to create living materials; or (ii) biobased materials obtained from the conversion of low-value bioresources to create composite materials. The aim is to invent new materials with tailored nanostructures, controlled interfacial chemistry, and advanced physicochemical or biological functionalities that can interact with the environment, other biomolecules, or living tissues. Our experimental work is supported by modelling tools to unveil structure-property relationships at the atomistic and micrometer scale, connecting molecular-based nanoscience with the synthesis of such materials.
Protein-based biomaterials, soft matter, biofabrication, molecular dynamics