Dr Chiara Gattinoni
King's College London
Department: Chemical & Energy Engineering
Institution: King’s College London
Email: chiara.gattinoni@kcl.ac.uk

Research summary
The research of the group is on computational surface science. In particular, we specialize in the fields of functional materials, catalysis and nanotribology, using density functional theory and classical molecular dynamics.
Some of our work is in understanding the properties of surfaces and interfaces of ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials, for applications in thin film technology, catalysis and superconductivity.
Our tribology work is in lubrication science, and we aim to understand the behaviour of currently used lubricant additives and to “build” novel one to improve performance.
Adsorption; catalysis; coatings; energy conversion; energy materials; functional oxides; heterogeneous catalysis; interfaces; nanotribology; oxide surfaces; semiconductor surfaces; surfaces; tribology; thin films; water; ferroelectricity