Dr Christo Skamniotis
King's College London

Department: Engineering
Institution: King’s College London
Email: christos.skamniotis@kcl.ac.uk
Research summary
My research portfolio includes extremely diverse solid mechanics problems, ranging from the experimental and Finite Element modelling of soft food deformation-fracture during oral and gastric processing, to the modelling of creep-fatigue-ratchetting of transpiration cooled Nickel gas turbine blades and the dislocation-based modelling of hydrogen embrittlement in Zirconium nuclear fission cladding systems. I am currently developing cutting-edge simulation tools for predicting and mitigating failure in applications where the harshest temperatures and loads are encountered, such as nuclear reactors, gas turbines, rocket engines and hypersonic vehicles. Of particular interest are problems where a range of techniques must be deployed to understand failure at both the engineering (millimetre) and the microstructural (nanometre) length-scales, including coupled FE heat transfer-stress analysis relied upon CFD simulations of fluid-solid interaction, theoretical thermo-elastic stress analysis, crystal plasticity FE analysis and discrete dislocation plasticity modelling. Key aim is to strengthen the link between the Solid Mechanics, Material Science and Thermofluids disciplines to enable the safe operation of a range of Net Zero future technologies, such as hydrogen powered turbines, small modular nuclear reactors and re-usable rockets.
Thermomechanical fatigue, Discrete Dislocation Plasticity modelling, Crystal Plasticity Finite Element modelling, Nuclear alloys, High temperature aerospace alloys, Creep, Hydrogen embrittlement