Dr Nicolae Panoiu
University College London
Department: Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Institution: UCL
Email: n.panoiu@ee.ucl.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)20 7679 2819
Website: https://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~npanoiu/

Research summary
See Dr Panoiu’s latest Research Highlights here:
Photon transport enhanced by transverse Anderson localization in disordered superlattices
Within our Computational Nanophotonics Group, our research interests are broadly interdisciplinary, branching in a range of topics in engineering, physics and applied mathematics. During the last years we have been actively involved in research on optical properties of periodically nanostructured materials, with a particular interest in their applications to nanophotonics and optoelectronic nanodevices. Among the main research topics we mention: a) silicon (nonlinear) photonics – modelling and device applications, b) computational modelling of metal-based metamaterials with negative index of refraction; c) ab initio modelling of optical properties of nonlinear photonic crystals: d) linear and nonlinear optical properties of plasmonic nanostructures; e) formation, propagation and interaction of solitons in optical media with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities; f) soliton propagation in optical fibres, soliton-based communication systems and soliton-WDM; g) FDTD modelling of VCSELSs, photonic crystal waveguides and other active photonic devices.
Solar Cells, Silicon, Nanoscale Electromagnetism, Nanowires, Negative Refractive Index, Nanostructures, Photonics, Photovoltaics, Plasmonics, Finite Difference, Meshless Methods, Transfer Matrix Methods, Metamaterials, Nanoparticles, Effective medium theory