Dr Peter Huthwaite
Imperial College London
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Institution: Imperial College London
Email: p.huthwaite@imperial.ac.uk
Website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/p.huthwaite

Research summary
Peter Huthwaite received his MEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College in 2008. He begun a PhD with the Non-Destructive Testing group later that year, completing in early 2012. Subsequently he took up a Research Associate position with the lab. In early 2015 he won a 5-year EPSRC Early Career Fellowship “Quantitative non-destructive imaging with limited data” of nearly £1 million in value, and was appointed as a lecturer in 2016.
His interests include imaging in both ultrasonics and radiography, with a particular focus on limited data imaging. He also has worked on numerical methods for ultrasonic simulation, including finite difference and finite element methods in the time and frequency domains. He wrote the software package Pogo which is a GPU accelerated FE solution