Professor Jochen Blumberger
University College London
Department: Physics & Astronomy
Institution: UCL
Phone: +44(0)20 7679 4373

Research summary
- How oxygen degrades hydrogenase (and how to avoid it)
- The oxidative inactivation of FeFe hydrogenase reveals the flexibility of the H-cluster
- Hugging hemes help electrons hop
- Carbon Fixation Through a Temporary Tunnel
- Simulating gas transport in proteins
- Multiscale simulation of small molecule transport in proteins
Our research includes developing and applying quantum and classical molecular simulation methods to study:
- Electron transport in soft condensed matter
- Ab-initio redox chemistry
- Gas diffusion in proteins
- Enzyme catalysis
Biofuel Cells, Energy Conversion, Energy Materials, Aqueous Solutions, Electron Transfer Mechanisms, Ab Initio M.D., QM/MM, Biomolecular Systems