Professor Anatoly Zayats
King's College London
Department: Physics
Institution: King’s College London
Phone: +44 020 7848 2477

Research summary
We study all possible optical effects in nanostructured materials and, in particular, plasmonic nanostructures. We apply these effects to achieve novel photonic functionalities on the sub-wavelength scale. We employ these functionalities to improve photonic device performance, optical data processing, bio- and chemical sensing. Nonlinear and ultrafast plasmonics, tuneable and active metamaterials are currently main focus.
Nanoscale Electromagnetism, Negative Refractive Index, Finite Difference, Finite Elements, Gas Sensing, Metamaterials, Nanoparticles, Nanopores, Nanorods, Nanostructures, Photonics, Plasmonics, Scanning-Probe Microscopies, Effective medium theory