Professor Andrew Fisher
University College London
Department: Physics & Astronomy
Institution: UCL
Phone: +44 (0)20 7679 1378

Research summary
I have wide research interests in theoretical nanoscience. I am particularly interested in the impact of quantum mechanics on the dynamics of nanostructures, for example, the flips of small clusters of spins, or the flow of current-carrying electrons though a molecule or an atomic-scale wire and the extent to which interactions with other degrees of freedom can modify or damp out these quantum mechanical effects. The consequences of this work range from quite applied questions -how could one use quantum mechanics to process information, or make a transistor from a single molecule?- to rather fundamental ones -what is the macroscopic limit of quantum mechanics? I use a mixture of analytical and computational techniques and I like to work closely with experimentalists; several of my research students and postdoctoral research fellows are closely involved with experimental projects.
I am part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the London Centre for Nanotechnology at UCL.
Quantum Computing, Conductivity (Electrical)