Professor Dan Balint
Imperial College London
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Institution: Imperial College London
Phone: +44 (0)20 7594 7084

Research summary
Professor Balint is head of the materials modelling and metal forming group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Research interests span many areas of theoretical, computational and experimental mechanics applied to materials problems involved in metal forming applications. These include understanding and modelling size effects in crystalline materials, describing the small-scale mechanics in complicated processes such as superplasticity for macroscopic simulations, predicting damage evolution and healing, dislocation models of plasticity, computational techniques such as a crystal plasticity extended finite element method for modelling recrystallisation, grain growth and grain boundary decohesion and sliding, in addition to using the understanding gained through modelling and experimentation to design novel metal forming processes
Fuel Cells, Microforming, Non-Destructive Evaluation, Superplasticity, Thermal Barrier Coatings, Creep, Damage, Dislocations, Grain Boundaries, Plasticity, Delamination, Metal Forming, Micromechanics, Finite Elements, Porosity, Delamination, Hot Forging, Metal Forming, Micromechanics, Biomechanics