Professor Peter D Lee
University College London
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Institution: UCL
Phone: 07967 110647

Research summary
My group focuses on developing nano-precision rigs that simulate the processing of materials on a synchrotron beamline, enabling us to see inside materials in 3D as they change in time (termed 4D imaging). This work is revealing how microstructures evolve in aerospace and automotive materials, as well as biological and geological systems. The resulting insights and open-source codes (including uMatIC, which simulates three phase flow to predict solidification microstructures) have been exploited internationally by aerospace, automotive, energy and biomedical companies to solve important engineering challenges – from developing additive manufactured human joint replacements to producing light-alloy automotive components.
Aerospace Materials, Automotive Materials, Biomedical Materials, Earth’s Mantle, Colloids, Bioactive Materials, Biomaterials, Crystal Growth, Foams, Microstructural Evolution, Nucleation, Phase Transitions, Solidification, Fatigue, Microstructure, Porous Media, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Phase Field Methods, Porosity, Colloids, Fatigue, Microstructure, Porous Media, Biomechanics