Professor Serafim Kalliadasis
Imperial College London
Department: Chemical Engineering
Institution: Imperial College London
Phone: +44 20 7594 1373

Research summary
Serafim Kalliadasis leads the Complex Multiscale Systems Group of Imperia College (IC) ( He was appointed to Readership in Fluid Mechanics at the Chemical Engineering Department of IC in 07/2004 and was promoted to Professor in Engineering Science & Applied Mathematics in 10/2010.
Over 2004-2009 he held an EPSRC Advanced Fellowship and in 2010 he was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Fellow of the Institute of Physics and Corporate Member and Fellow of the IChemE.
His expertise is in the interface between applied and computational mathematics, complex systems and engineering science, covering both applications and fundamentals. Particular emphasis is given to:
Applied PDEs; bifurcation analysis and applied dynamical systems; complexity reduction and low-dimensional representation of complex multiscale systems; control of PDEs and of SPDEs; numerical methods; data-driven coarse graining; machine learning; applied stochastic processes; statistical mechanics of classical fluids, multiscale fluid dynamics including soft matter at interfaces and interfacial phenomena, and molecular dynamics of fluids in confinement.