Professor Sir Richard Catlow FRS
University College London
Department: Chemistry
Institution: UCL
Phone: +44 (0)20 7679 2818

Research summary
See Professor Catlow’s latest Research Highlights here:
- Compressive straining of bilayer phosphorene leads to extraordinary electron mobility at a new conduction band edgef
- Revision of the rutile/anatase band alignment: Towards efficient solar energy harvesting
Our work explores the structures, properties and reactivities of complex materials using a combination of computer modelling and experimental techniques. Materials at present under investigation include catalysts – both microporous zeolitic and aluminophosphate systems and metal oxides – electronic ceramics, minerals, fast ion conductors and molecular materials. Our computational studies develop and apply both forcefield and quantum mechanical techniques; while the focus of our experimental work is structure determination using diffraction and X-ray spectroscopic techniques employing both laboratory and synchrotron radiation sources. Neutron scattering techniques are also used where appropriate.
Framework Materials, Microporous Materials, Transition-Metal Oxides, Catalysis, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Interfaces, Molecular Adsorption, Surface Adsorption, Surfaces, Structure Prediction