Professor Tony Paxton
King's College London

Department: Materials
Institution: Imperial College London
Research summary
My research focuses on structure property relations in metal alloys, in particular steel, titanium and magnesium. I work closely with industry and the University of Sheffield in the design of steel, in particular. I have a research project attempting to build an approximate quantum mechanical approach to the molecular dynamics study of the boundary between titanium and the aqueous solution, with relevance to the problem of corrosion. My group uses kinetic Monte Carlo and approaches to discrete dislocation dynamics to follow dislocation carbon interactions in lath martensite. For the last twelve years I have worked on hydrogen embrittlement of steel; currently I am working with colleagues in Norway on cohesive zone modelling of the problem.
Tight binding approximation to the density functional theory; mesoscopic theories of plasticity and fracture in metals; models for water