About TYC

Now in its 19th year, the Thomas Young Centre remains a renowned London-based interdisciplinary research network which brings together a range of groups across the capital whose research involves materials and molecular modelling and theoretical chemistry.
We provide:
- An interdisciplinary and collaborative environment at the cutting-edge of materials and molecular modelling research, providing an opportunity to build networks of contacts, broaden collaborative efforts and develop research to new levels.
- An extensive events programme which brings together pioneers in the international community to speak at a wide range of highlight seminars, symposiums, conferences, workshops, networking meetings and masterclasses and more. Our events showcase state of the art techniques and developments in the materials and molecular modelling world; providing a platform for experts from academia and industry to discuss common ideas within this unique grass-roots institute.
- Funding for TYC PhD students and junior researchers to work for short periods in other research groups in the UK and overseas or for academic visitors to spend time working with the TYC in London. We offer enhanced graduate training and mentoring which can assist with research and developing careers post-PhD.
- A range of Industrial Services, from bespoke training and consultancy to research and development and long-term partnerships. We are an internationally recognised centre of expertise at the cutting-edge of developments in the field and our research covers a broad spectrum of industrial sectors.
- An unrivalled programme of graduate training, ranging from general overviews of simulation methods, through lectures on topics such as nanoscience and biophysics, to more specialised expositions of electronic-structure theory.
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Who was Thomas Young?
Why is materials & molecular modelling important?
Almost every aspect of modern life involves materials and benefits from advances in materials modelling. Renewal energy, mobile phones, medications, intelligent textiles and much else that we now take for granted, all rely on materials. In addition, many processes in the natural world, ranging from the growth of ice in the upper atmosphere all the way to diseases caused by protein mis-folding also involve the properties of materials. Many of today’s challenges, such as climate change, energy production and healthcare demand powerful methods for probing the properties of a vast range of materials.
Recent years have seen significant advances in the accuracy, realism, and predictive capabilities of tools for the theory and simulation of materials. Predictive modelling has now become a powerful tool which can also deliver real value through application and innovation to the nano, chemical and process industries. It forms an essential part of the research and development effort of many of the world’s leading organisations and can be incredibly valuable for businesses. Simulation methods can be routinely used across industry to accelerate product development, increase efficiency, and provide fundamental understanding.
Used in combination with good analysis and experimentation, materials and molecular modelling can drive progress, save time, effort, and resource. Results are tangible, available quickly and project relevant. It can be used to solve real issues and problems and advance state-of-the-art research.