Materials & Molecular Modelling Hub (MMM Hub)

Established in 2017, the MMM Hub is a world-class computational resource for materials and molecular modellers, centering around the provision of the Tier-2 HPC machine called Young. The UK-wide High-Performance Computing (HPC) Tier 2 Hub brings together a consortium of 11 university partners, serving the entire UK MMM community enabling world-leading research in, and adding value to many of the almost 1,000 EPSRC-funded projects in MMM, including Energy, Healthcare Technologies, Living with Environmental Change, Quantum Technologies, and Manufacturing the Future.
The HPC architecture addresses the requirements for MMM jobs and significantly speeds up simulations, enhancing the quality of the predictions, enabling transformative discoveries of importance to science and industry.
The MMM Hub enhances the UK’s academic capability in MMM and affects tangible impact to the academic community, industry, and society.