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MSSC – Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry

Morning sessions - Lecture Theatre 1, Bush House, Strand Campus, King’s College LondonAfternoon sessions - Department of Chemistry, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ The Department of Chemistry and the Thomas Young […]

TYC Welcome Day 2024

Nyholm Room, Christopher Ingold Building Gordon Street, London

We encourage you to attend our in-person TYC Welcome Event which is the perfect opportunity to begin networking with your peers, and to hear about the fantastic benefits of being affiliated to this active and exciting institute.  Our Interest Group Leads will talk to you about the hot topics they are working on, and a panel of TYC students and postdocs will be on hand to answer your questions, providing an overview of TYC activities and opportunities.

Advances in modelling defects and interfaces workshop

Institute of Physics 37 Caledonian Road, London

The Thomas Young Centre takes great pleasure to announce the workshop “Advances in modelling defects and interfaces”, being organised to honour the achievements of Professor Alexander Shluger in modelling defects and interfaces in solids and nanosystems and contributions to computational materials science.